
Welcome to The Iron Platform. If you have to register IRON and/or IRON substances under EU REACH, you have come to the right place.

The Iron Platform is an EU REACH Consortium, established in 2008 on behalf of a number of member companies and organisations producing and importing a variety of iron substances and iron-containing preparations.

Our mission is to provide a mechanism to enable the various iron industries to comply with the EU REACH legislation in accordance with the statutory timetable on a timely basis in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

The complexities and requirements of EU REACH are such that registration is a very expensive process and places heavy demands on all registrants, however large or small they may be.   Furthermore, by virtue of their larger tonnage volumes, most organisations involved with iron were required to register by the shortest deadline, December 2010. Membership of the Iron Platform offers many benefits.



Iron Platform substances - dossier updates (please contact the secretariat for more information)

The following Lead Registrant dossiers have been updated in March 2023: Iron, sinter (EINECS 265-997-9); Mill Scale Ferrous Metal (EINECS 266-007-8)

Updates to the following Lead Registrant dossiers have been ready to submit since mid-2022, but have not yet been submitted due to concerns over infringing EU Council Regulations 269/2014 and 833/2014 (Russia Sanctions): Iron (EINECS 231-096-4); Iron Ores, Agglomerates (EINECS 265-996-3)

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