The list of substances to be covered by the Iron Platform is given in the table below.
Reference name | Formula | EINECS Number | CAS Number |
Group I | |||
Iron | Fe | 231-096-4 | 7439-89-6 |
Group II | |||
Iron Ores, Agglomerates | Fe2O3 | 265-996-3 | 65996-65-8 |
Iron, sinter | Fe2O3 | 265-997-9 | 65996-66-9 |
Mill Scale Ferrous Metal | Fe2O3 | 266-007-8 | 65996-74-9 |
Note that it was concluded that Iron [EC number 231-096-4] and Iron, Furnace [EC number 265-998-4] can and would be considered as the same substance for the purposes of REACH.
Note also that the following iron oxide substances are handled by the Iron Oxides REACH Consortium and registration dossiers for all have been sucessfully submitted:
Di-iron trioxide (Iron III oxide - haematite) | Fe2O3 | 215-168-2 | 1309-37-1 |
Tri-iron Tetraoxide (Iron II, III oxide - magnetite) | Fe3O4 | 215-277-5 | 1317-61-9 |
Iron (III) oxide hydroxide | FeO(OH) | 243-746-4 / 257-098-5 | 20344-49-4 / 51274-01-1 |
For the the Iron Oxides REACH Consortium, please note contact informatioon below:
Preslava Dilkova
Jones Day
4, Rue de la Régence
Regentschapsstraat 4
B-1000 Brussels